Monday, October 5, 2009

Qualifying Ranking Event 04/10/2009

Held a QRE at Paringa Archers with the aim of gaining a second qualifying score for the Commonwealth Games squad... minimum score to make the squad is 1360 points and I need 3 scores of 1360 or better to qualify for the squad. I had already shot 1 qualifying score of 1376. The day was great weather wise, I was feeling ok with my shooting and I was trying a couple of different things with my equipment. 
1: slightly shorter draw length - I was thinking that this might help out a little more in windy conditions but it felt cramped and aiming was not as steady.
2: different positioning of the arrow rest - No real problems here, I have the blade of the rest positioned over the wrist. I had read about Jesse Broadwater of USA using this set up and his reasons for doing so... so, I thought I would give it a try. It has not made things worse, so I will keep playing with that one.

The day ended with me shooting 1385 (331-350-345-359)... happy to get my second qualifying score..... now just 1 score to go.


  1. Well done Clint. 1385 you would have to be happy with that??

    Any idea how many archers are AA planning on send to the games???

  2. AA will be sending 3 archers per division, so that is 12 archers in total.
